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De signis christianis



          My photographs collect clues to our human identity. By isolating details of the object, I highlight aspects that speak to us, here and now.


          Arlucem, is based on Christian representations, and draws our attention to the topicality of symbols of love and forgiveness, vulnerability and awakening. 



IN THE BEGINNING describes the beginnings of the Creation of the World in plays of light on waters of unfathomable depths. Then, the first day comes until the first night, in shades of pure light.


MARIE is an interpretation of the sculpture Notre-Dame de la Prière, at Ile-Bouchard and the sculpture in the Chapel of Bon-Rencontre, at Notre-Dame du Laus. The mineral matter is concealed in favor of the expression of the face, the posture of the bodies, emphasizing the calm, the firm gentleness and the great kindness that emanate from Marie. 


PECCATA MUNDI shows the wounds and the blood shed by Christ. The close-ups express the suffering of the crucifixion. 


FRAGILITY or meditation in front of a skull is part of the tradition of the memento mori “Remember that you are going to die”. The first skull, held with both hands, is inspired by the repentant Madeleine, as Georges de la Tour painted her. Also at the source of this set are Saint-Jérôme writing painted by Caravaggio and Saint-François d'Assises by Zurbarán. 





Exhibition  A GIFT OF LOVE Church of Saint-Louis-en-Ile, Paris.


Saint-Louis exhibition at the Art and Matter Gallery, Île Saint-Louis, Paris.



“According to your Word” Church of Saint-Nicolas des Champs, Paris.



“From the Lamb of God to the Sacred Wounds”, Saint-Gervais Saint-Protais Church, Christian Marais, Paris

“According to Your Word” Sanctuary of Ile-Bouchard.



“A Gift of Love” Saint-Nicolas de Tavant Church.



“Peccata Mundi” Saint-Polycarpe Church, Lyon.




2017 “According to Your Word” photographs by Claire Artemyz, poems by Jean-Romain Frisch and preface by Mgr Xavier Malle.


2015 A Gift of Love preface by Father Michel Durand.



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